Federation News

For an ongoing partnership and MOU signed with FIDIC a few months ago, all IFAWPCA Members are invited to join and participate in their upcoming series of webinars and conferences, kindly see the details below and on how to register:
FIDIC Committee Webinar Series
12:00 CET – 13:30 CET
Tuesday 23 February 2021 - Improving the capacity of clients in emerging countries on FIDIC contract management - A webinar organised by the FIDIC Capacity Building Committee
Tuesday 23 March 2021 - Combating corruption in the engineering and construction sector - A webinar organised by the FIDIC Integrity Management Committee
Tuesday 6 April 2021 - Developing a commitment to quality in construction projects - A webinar organised by the FIDIC Risk, Liability and Quality Committee
Tuesday 20 April 2021 - All you need to know about the FIDIC Short Form of Contract (Green Book) 2nd Edition - A webinar organised by the FIDIC Contracts Committee
Tuesday 4 May 2021 – Title TBC - A webinar organised by the FIDIC International Financial Institutions Committee
Tuesday 1 June 2021 - Best business practices in a post-Covid world - A webinar organised by the Business Practise Committee
Tuesday 15 June 2021 - The role of the infrastructure industry in achieving a net zero world - A webinar organised by the FIDIC Sustainable Development Committee
FIDIC COVID-19 Webinar Series
12:00 CET – 13:30 CET
Tuesday 2 March 2021 - Working together in the new normal
Tuesday 30 March 2021 - To dispute, or not to dispute?
Tuesday 13 April 2021 - Keeping cashflows flowing in challenging times
Tuesday 11 May 2021 - Dealing with change in uncertain times
Tuesday 8 June 2021 - FIDIC contracts – the gold standard for projects
FIDIC State of the World Webinar Series
12:00 CET – 13:30 CET
Tuesday 1 April 2021 - Establishing the value of water - FIDIC’s State of the world report series
Tuesday 13 May 2021 - Tackling the global water crisis - FIDIC’s State of the world report series
Tuesday 12 August 2021 - A sea of change - FIDIC’s State of the world report series
Tuesday 23 September 2021 - Going Digital - did Covid teach us anything? - FIDIC’s State of the world report series
Tuesday 28 October 2021 - Net Zero . . . so, what next? - FIDIC’s State of the world report series
FIDIC Contract Users Conferences
Our Official FIDIC Contract Users’ Conference events offer comprehensive guidance on selecting, using and managing FIDIC contracts. Attendees at these conferences will have access to the latest practice advice on leading major projects and resolving disputes, hear new case studies of FIDIC application in practice and be able to compare experiences with other contract users on the most common challenges facing the industry. The Official FIDIC Contract Users’ Conferences are the only contracts user events endorsed and approved by FIDIC.
May 24-27, 2021 – North America and Latin America
July 12-15, 2021 – Asia and Australasia
November / December 29-2, 2021 – Europe, Middle East and Africa
FIDIC Annual International Infrastructure Conference - 12-14 September 2021
The FIDIC International Infrastructure Conference includes Federation events to gather FIDIC members and its leaders running consulting engineering associations all over the world, a special forum to discuss best business practices with chairs and vice chairs of the newly composed FIDIC working committees, and a symposium to discuss innovative and out-of-the-box perspectives provided by future leaders of the industry. The FIDIC International Infrastructure Conference also includes a conference hosted by FIDIC that provides an interactive stage where leaders, experts, FIDIC members and non-members in the industry can come together to identify and address these key questions, provide a forum for discussion and debate and offer perspectives for a way forward to enable the industry to continue to thrive in the months and years ahead.
Registration to this major event is due to be opened soon.