Our Members
Regular Members
Associate Members
Honorary Members
Regular Members shall be representative bodies of contractors’ associations recognized by their respective countries, geographical areas, or economies; PROVIDED that each country, each geographical area or each economy shall be restricted to only one (1) membership; and PROVIDED FURTHER that in cases of conflicting simultaneous claims to right of representation, the decision of the Executive Board of the Federation shall be final.
Associate Members shall mean and be individual contractors or contractors’ associations not eligible for Regular Membership or organizations, enterprises or institutions associated with civil engineering or building construction, either personal or corporate situated and operating in any of the countries or geographical areas of Asia and the Western Pacific.
Honorary Members shall be those individuals conferred Honorary Membership by the Federation in Regular or Special General Assembly for the purpose of qualifying as Trustees, effective and conditioned upon their election and qualification as Trustees and co-terminus with their term of office as such Trustees.
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