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Hong Kong

Collection of Trophies

Atsumi Award

The late Mr. Takeo Atsumi, former President of Overseas Construction Association of Japan, Inc. (OCAJI for brevity) and IFAWPCA Lifetime Member, contributed immensely towards the global development of the construction industry during his 15-years term of office as OCAJI President, including his 2-years tenure as CICA President.  Before relinquishing the OCAJI presidency in May 1990, Mr. Atsumi entrusted OCAJI with his private fund in the amount of TEN MILLION YEN (Y10,000,000) and the management thereof, with the view of setting up an Award for the purpose of promoting the growth and development of the construction industry in each IFAWPCA member nation.  To accomplish this end, OCAJI decided to frame a merit system for commendation of a person, or a group of persons, who has rendered meritorious services in the promotion of the construction industry in each IFAWPCA member nation and laid down the guideline on the operation and management of the said Award.

26th Convention, Tokyo, Japan


IFAWPCA Manila Secretariat.


27th Convention, Bali, Indonesia


Eddie Kowara, Past President 16th IFAWPCA Convention, Indonesian Contractors Association. (ICA)


28th Convention, Seoul, Korea


Kim, Byong-jin, Chairman, Daelim Engineering Co., Ltd. (Korea)


29th Convention, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Hon. Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohammad, Prime Minister of Malaysia.


30th Convention, Kathmandu, Nepal


Varun Prasad Shrestha, Secretary, Ministry of Population & Environment, Nepal.

Deepak Bhattarai, Founder/Principal, Nepal Engineering College, Bhaktapur, Nepal.


31st Convention, Christchurch, New Zealand


Dennis Waple, Manager of BRANZ’s New Business Development

BRANZ (Building Research Association of New Zealand).


32nd Convention, Colombo, Sri Lanka


Vidya Jyothi Dr. A.N. S. Kulasinghe, National Engineering Research Center.


33rd Convention, Singapore


Jimmy Koh, Founder & Managing Director

Antara Koh Pvt. Ltd. Civil & Marine Eng’g Contractors

Director, Antara Koh (Malaysia) Sendirian Berhad.

Council Member of Singapore Contractors Association, Ltd.


34th Convention, Bangkok, Thailand


Jaroon Janjamratsaeng, Managing Director of Benjamas Co., Ltd.


35th Convention, Manila, Philippines


David M. Consunji, Chairman of DMCI.


36th Convention, Gold Coast, Australia


Dean Cipolla, Project Leader

John Holland Group/CRC Construction Innovation


37th Convention, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Sajedur Rahman Khan, Technical Advisor of The Engineers, Ltd.


38th Convention, Taipei, Taiwan


Chan, Ming-Tang, Project Manager of Kung Sing Engineering Corp.


39th Convention, Hong Kong


Mr. HO Sai Chu SBS, OBE, JP, Permanent Supervisor of the Hong Kong Construction Association


40th Convention, Kochi, India


Mr. Ajit Gulabchand – Chairman and Managing Director of Hindustan Construction Company, Ltd.



41th Convention, Jakarta, Indonesia


Hon. Dr. (HC) Ir. Djoko Kirmanto, Dipl. HE, Minister of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia



42nd Convention, Tokyo, Japan


Mr. Seiichirou NAKAO, Executive Project Director of Takenaka Corporation


43rd Convention, Seoul, Korea


Mr. Jung, Dae-Young

President of Sam Heung Construction Co., Ltd


44th Convention, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 


Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng, Group 

Managing Director of Bina Puri Holdings Bhd.




45th Convention, Male, Maldives


Mohamed Mauroof Jameel



46th Convention, Kathmandu, Nepal


Mr. Yaksha Dhoj Karki (Y.D.)

Mr. Jip Tsering Lama Sherpa


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